

Agg. Architects Office

TEL: 0120-86-5142

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


The large eave gives a sense of unity to the buildings and the integration of the internally illuminated signage creates a dynamic impression.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


The characteristic triangular roof and eaves give the facade a sense of movement.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


The reception area welcomes visitors with a store sign that floats in indirect light and a large counter.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


The folded ceiling and rhythmically arranged wood walls give the showroom a sense of depth and spaciousness.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


The reception counter and folded ceiling are also L-shaped along with the large eaves on the exterior creating a sense of unity between the interior and exterior.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


A garden is in the back of the store creating a relaxing space where customers can feel the passage of time and the changing seasons.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


A semi-private meeting space differentiated from the waiting area by a switch of materials.
The shadows created by the clapboarded cementitious materials create a stately atmosphere.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


Each booth is gently divided by louvers creating an open space to the outside.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


The walls are painted to improve both luminance efficiency and prevent stain.

商業建築 自動車ショールーム Kansai Auto 平野店


A pure white photo booth with a logo that stands out designed with lighting based on past results.

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Kansai Auto 平野店



ゾーニング計画では、展示車両の視認性を確保しながら店舗としての存在感を高めるため、敷地奥に看板と一体となった1部2層のボリュームで配置。ショールーム・事務所・整備工場・撮影ブースを直線状に配置し、円滑なオペレーションを可能にすると共に、お客様と従業員様のゾーン分けを明確にしています。バックオフィスには敷地内の様子を見渡せるコックピットのような専用のオークションルームや休憩室等、従業員様の働きやすさにも配慮した計画としています。 建物の特徴である大きな三角屋根は天井高が必要な整備工場と一部2階建てとなるショールーム/オフィスエリアをシームレスに繋ぎ、効率的な空間利用が可能な形状とし、長手方向に貫く大庇が各機能をつなぎ、一体感を生む建物構成としました。


New store for Kansai Auto, a new and used car sales company celebrating 30 years in business in Yao City.

The Hirano store located on the roadside has more than 80 vehicles on display. It is also equipped with a maintenance shop and sheet metal painting shop and works with the neighboring Yao head office to provide enhanced services.
It was built a one-part two-story structure at the rear of the site to strengthen the store’s presence while ensuring easy visibility of the vehicles on display. The showroom, office, maintenance shop, and photo booth are arranged in a straight line to facilitate smooth operations and clearly separate the space for customers and employees. In addition, the back-office includes a dedicated cockpit-like room that overlooks the entire site, a staff lounge and other amenities to make it easier for employees to work. The building's distinctive large triangular roof seamlessly connects the maintenance shop and showroom/office area creating a sense of unity.
The showroom is based on wooden materials with indirect lighting and a view of a tsuboniwa (small garden) providing a relaxed atmosphere for business meeting. We designed to be easily accessible for women and people with children to relax while waiting for maintenance.


Car dealership
Site area
Total floor area
Structural scale
Steel 2F
Toshinori Yagi


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